Muzica este una din pasiunile mele mai recente. Puteti merge aici daca doriti doar sa ascultati on-line citeva din melodiile create de mine.

despre muzica mea (info technic)

I like to play around with different loop-based music creation software every time I have some free time. I've composed about 10 songs so far by using a program called "Techno eJay 2". I do not spend more than a few hours per song, because a loop-based music creation uses a lot of small pieces of sound which can be combined together in a multi-track environment in the some way you can play with a LEGO game. That small pieces of sound elements can be downloaded from the Internet at no costs and you can use it in the royalty-free system. Or you can buy really cheap huge collections of sounds. The sound elements are usually high-quality samples, created by capturing real instruments sounds  in musical studios. A better way is to create that sounds elements from scratch by using some sound-generator software (which actually became powerful instruments in Pentium IV era), but in order to be able to do that it is required from you to possess advanced musical skills and sound properties altering knowledge.

I use some of my songs to add musical background to the presentation documents or technical movies I've created for my job. If you like to listen more songs made by me, hang on "My Music" page from time to time, because I am periodically change the songs in the juke-box placed here. If you want to use my mp3s in different electronic documents you create it, or if you simply like to listen them on your personal mp3 player, send me an email containing the phrase "Your music" along with the name of the wanted song(s) and I'll send you the wanted files digitally signed (in most of the cases it will be free of charge).


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